
-Form-First-Drain Installation

F&C“Form-First-Drain”Installation is souser-friendlythat it solves all these problems.
  • F&C Form-First-Drain Installation is a new method,which first installs the plastic foam form on the pipe before pouring concreteand tiling,thenswitch-outthe model to the floordrain.

  • Traditionally,the floor drain has to be installed before concrete-pouring and tiling.This results not only in terrible scratches on the cover,but also debris-clogged pipes,because excess paint or concrete is poured into the drain.Besides,many people delay replacing a nonfunctional drain to avoid the expense of tile replacement.

  • F&C“Form-First-Drain”Installation is souser-friendlythat it solves all these problems.No more scratches on the cover.No more clogged drainppe.Nomoreponding in the concrete.No more tile damage when replacement is necessary.

Stepsfor Installation
Install the foamplastic form on the pipe.
2、Install the foamplastic form on the pipe.
Pourthe concrete and install the tiles.
3、Pourthe concrete and install the tiles.
Afterall the fixtures are installed and decorating is completed,use a knife to extract the foam plastic form.
4、Afterall the fixtures are installed and decorating is completed,use a knife to extract the foam plastic form.
Insure there's no residual foam from the plastic form left on the concrete. If so,scrape clean with a knife.
5、Insure there's no residual foam from the plastic form left on the concrete. If so,scrape clean with a knife.
Brush on a layer of glue,Put the gasket on the installation joint of the floor drain.
6、Brush on a layer of glue,Put the gasket on the installation joint of the floor drain.
Place the floor drain.
7、Place the floor drain.
Install the double-trapped section,then the cup-shaped screen and finally the cover.
8、Install the double-trapped section,then the cup-shaped screen and finally the cover.
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